Ilana Sod

Ilana Sod

Ilana Sod in NYC (Chino Lemus)
Born February 3, 1973
 Mexico Mexico City
Occupation Journalist

Ilana Sod (born February 3, 1973), is currently MTV Latin America's Newscaster and Editor-in-Chief for Public affairs programming. She is also a weekly columnist for the Mexican newspaper Excélsior[1] and contributor for Radio Trece[2] in the metropolitan area of DF. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico.



These days she is in the ongoing production (Argentina,[3][4] Chile[5][6] and Guatemala [7][8][9]) of the special series that the Government of Finland, through the Inter-American Development Bank,[10] has sponsored in MTV for the pro-social project "Agents of Change" to which ] that counts more than six thousand young people with registered development plans.[11]

"Almost Ten" (Casi Diez) is the name of her column published every Saturday and Sunday by Excélsior. "Wide Spectrum" (Amplio Espectro) is the title of her segment every Thursday during the daily news radio show of Javier Solórzano in Radio 13 in Mexico City.


She has also worked as network TV news anchor for Channel 40 and Channel 22, as well as a reporter in Sydney for channel 108 of SKY, reviewing local issues such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Australian capital.

In August 2003, she co-produced for MTV the PSA campaign 'Grita' (Speak Out!),[12] empowering children to be more communicative about their sexuality. This series of spots won the Promax-BDA Golden Award as best pro-social campaign of a TV station in Latin America.

More than a year later, as a follow-up of the campaign mentioned above, she was in charge of reporting for CNN and MTV the views, thoughts and feelings of Latin American young kids regarding machismo and woman's vulnerability of being infected by HIV/AIDS. The 30-minute special[13] was premiered by CNN International on November 27, 2004 and days later by all the MTV channel around the globe during the World AIDS Day, December 1. Her segmente focused on the statistics and facts of Argentina, Colombia and Mexico.

Back in May and June 2006, she was the only reporter allowing the young audience to ask questions directly to all five Mexican presidential candidates, exactly one month before of the general election in Mexico, July 2. The series, the first of this kind in the history of Mexican television, were titled "Somos 30 Millones" (We Are 30 Million) in reference of the number of Mexicans under the age of 34.

Later that same year, in August 2006, she was the MTV International's correspondent and UNICEF's moderator during the XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006 in Toronto, Canada. As part of MTV's AIDS-awareness initiative, Staying Alive, Sod's contributions appeared at the "48 Fest" special vlog[22] and session[23] From Rhetoric to Action: Defining a Stronger Role for Youth in National HIV/AIDS Policies.


For the last eleven years she has been working for television, radio and the press in Mexico, her native country. In 1999 and 2001, she coordinated 'Radio Sex Project', 48-hours of investigative reports about sex for 'Radioactivo 98.5' (a radio station for young people in Mexico City where she worked for almost 8 years).

In 2003, she covered the Iraq War as a correspondent based in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for 90.5FM 'Imagen Informativa' (a 24/7 coast to coast news radio station in Mexico).


  1. ^ Sod's column in Excelsior
  2. ^ Daily News with Javier Solórzano at Radio 13
  3. ^ Agentes de Cambio graba en Ezeiza (Febrero 26, 2007). La Nación [2007]
  4. ^ Ilana Sod filma documental sobre Surcos Argentinos, ONG cordobesa (Marzo 6, 2007). Sánchez Martínez, G. La Voz [2007]
  5. ^ Ilana Sod llega a la VII Región para realizar grabaciones con indígenas de la zona maulina (Marzo 9, 2007). Riquelme, S. El aMaule [2007]
  6. ^ Tres proyectos sociales chilenos ganaron un concurso de MTV (Marzo 25, 2007). Torres, A. El Mercurio [2007]
  7. ^ BID Juventud celebrará Día Global del Servicio Juvenil en el marco del Programa Agentes de Cambio realizado por Ilana Sod (Marzo 15, 2007). Cerigua. TeleDiario [2007]
  8. ^ Ilana Sod modera conversación entre Agentes de Cambio, BID y ALAS (Marzo 16, 2007). Masaya, J. Siglo XXI [2007]
  9. ^ MTV graba en Quetzaltenango (marzo 19, 2007). Quemé, R. Siglo XXI [2007]
  10. ^ BID Juventud. (2006). [2007]
  11. ^ Agentes de Cambio. (2006–2008). [2007]
  12. ^ Staying Alive (Videos 2003) Se(x) Tú Mismo, PSA
  13. ^ Staying Alive: An MTV and CNN News Special.
  14. ^ Lupa Ciudadana (Letras Libres, 2006). "Durante décadas condenamos la inversión; la consideramos un pecado" (transcripción del programa)
  15. ^ El Universal (Video 2006). El candidato presidencial panista abre esta serie de entrevistas con el canal estadounidense de música
  16. ^ El Universal (Video 2006). El candidato presidencial de PANAL se presenta con el canal estadounidense de música
  17. ^ Lupa Ciudadana, 2006). “Me levantó siempre con el pie izquierdo. Yo soy de izquierda porque en la izquierda está el corazón” (transcripción del programa)
  18. ^ El Universal (Video 2006). El candidato presidencial de la Alianza Por el Bien de Todos, en la tercera entrevista del canal musical
  19. ^ Lupa Ciudadana (Letras Libres, 2006). “No estoy a favor del matrimonio entre las personas del mismo sexo” (transcripción del programa)
  20. ^ El Universal (Video 2006). El candidato presidencial de la Alianza por México, en la cuarta entrevista del canal musical
  21. ^ El Universal (Video 2006). La candidata presidencial de Alternativa, en la última entrevista del canal musical
  22. ^ Ilana's Video Diary.
  23. ^ AIDS 2006, Time to Deliver.